The purpose of this website is to provide stock research/due diligence to the general public with the ultimate goal of generating Alpha (above normal/market returns) within our portfolios. You can find my work in places such as Forbes, Yahoo Finance, and CNBC.
At the top of this page, you will find three article sections. First, research articles. Second, methodology articles. Third, how to get started investing articles.
Generally, my research revolves around macroeconomic and historical research paired with some basic fundamental analysis. It is my goal to present assets with the most economic opportunity present within them and show how you can position an investment for your own financial gain. While I try to write every post in a way that is approachable to the general public some of the articles dive deep into theory, research, applied mathematics, and other boring stuff; I try to explain this is an easy way for the average retail trader/investor.
If you enjoy the site share it with your friends. Every backlink helps grow the site! Further, If you have any questions feel free to reach out either on Reddit, Youtube, email, or Twitter.
I hope you enjoy the website and good luck in the markets!
How Long Does a Short Squeeze Last? (3 Answers)
What is the time frame for you short squeeze? Well here is everything you will ever need to know to determine how long it will last.
Why You Still Own a Stock After It’s Delisted and How to Sell It
Do you still own a stock after its delisted? How do you sell it? Don’t worry the stock is still worth money and here is how to sell.
Can You Make 1% A Day in the Stock Market? (3 Steps)
Making 1% a day in the stock market is hard but defiantly doable. Here are 3 simple steps to helping you achieve this return.
Why Short Sellers Have To Pay Dividends
Short selling comes with many risks; one of which is that you will have to pay dividends on short positions. This can eat into your profit.
The 5 Stock Investing Subreddits You Need To Know About
Which investing subreddits are the best? Well here are the most popular ranked! Each one of these communities is centered around stocks!
Here Is How Short Selling Drives a Stocks Price Lower
Do short sellers drive the stock’s price lower? The answer is yes, but it does not work in the way that you think it does and here is why.
The 3 Reasons Why the PDT Rule Exists
The 3 reasons why the PDT rule exists in the first place along with some answers to frequently asked questions surrounding the rule.
Here Is What Happens to a Stocks Price After a Short Squeeze
What happens to a stock’s price after a short squeeze and how to make money from it. Some simple rules to follow and profit from!
The 3 Steps to Scanning for a Short Squeeze
Looking for how to find a short squeeze before it happens? Well here are the 3 things that you need to build a scanner to look for!
How Long It Really Takes To Learn How To Trade Options
Here is how long it really takes to learn how to trade options. Most people think they can jump right in however that’s dangerous.
The 3 Things That Happen If Nobody Buys The Company’s Stock
There are 3 things that could happen if nobody buys the company’s stock. Make sure you are aware of these effects so that you can be ready.
Global Macro: 5 Tricks To Profit From This Investment Strategy
Global Macro is far from dead. Here are 5 tricks to help you generate above average returns in your global positions.
What Time Should Day Traders Wake Up For Max Profit
Most day traders fail to understand how powerful waking up early is. Most of them simply wake up at 9:00 AM, the professionals are different.
Overvalued Stocks: The 3 Pros and Cons to Know Before Investing
Overvalued stocks are everywhere. Once you know how to invest in them you can make decent amounts of money, here are the pros and cons to help
5 Reasons Why You Should Never Use Phone Apps To Trade
Using a phone trading app will result in you earning less per year. Don’t fall victim to some of the most common traps of phone investing.